Sarah works in water media (acrylic, watercolor, gouache, ink). She paints with the Pretentious Cleveland Portrait Artists [The Pretentious Cleveland Portrait Artists. (literarycafeartists.com)] (remotely) every Friday night. Currently, she also paints portraits, honoring older adults as part of a grant through the Chuckanut Health Foundation’s “Art of Aging” "The Art of Aging" Project — Aging Well Whatcom] project throughout the week. She hopes that each of her portraits helps the soul see its worth.

Often, Sarah paints on found objects or upcycled containers, creating intimacy and renewal in the everyday, and honoring people and pet portraits in tiny tins, which she loves to reveal with a flourish.
And Sarah finds healing for herself and the world in the natural world, as she builds anatomical botanicals around folk remedies and plant folklore.
We are connected—to each other, to the earth, to our creativity, to our Creator.
To purchase Sarah’s art, please visit her
Etsy shop: [https://www.etsy.com/shop/sarahsartlife]
To request a special commission, whether it is a tiny tin or a larger work,
please contact Sarah Lane here at Sarah Lane Art [link to contact page]